Culture of Caring
As Former Managing 合作伙伴 Wade Pack once said, “We are a firm of people who care about people.” This applies to our clients and team members. Beyond that, it applies to our greater community. We have a culture of caring.
Our social responsibility and growth led us to form a standing committee called the BRC Council within our firm, which organizes our involvement in community activities. This Council keeps us busy, as we enjoy engaging and interacting with our greater community. We donate time and money to a variety of different organizations annually.
Whether it’s digging ditches needed in the construction of a house for a family fallen on hard times, building bicycles for disadvantaged children, competing to be the office team that collects the most school supplies or delivering budgeting presentations to homeless veterans, you can count on Bernard Robinson & Co. According to Marsha Kunz, Director of Human 资源, “It’s fun to give back. We get as much out of the service events as the recipients.”
Beyond the various events we participate in, we enjoy serving on not-for-profit boards and take on leadership positions within civic organizations. In regard to this involvement, 合作伙伴, Freddy Robinson, makes it clear to everyone not to volunteer for business purposes. Freddy says, “Although we do not set formal expectations around volunteerism, we have high rates of involvement with professional and civic organizations. Volunteering is personal. I find the most effective volunteers are those who do so because they are uniquely inspired by a particular cause.”
We simply try to make the best decisions for the greater good of all.
This includes a commitment to the following:
- Maintaining a paperless office environment. We shred and invest in software to support us in this effort.
- Recycling paper, plastics, cardboard and aluminum. We have paper recycling containers at all desks, plastic and aluminum bins for refuse, drink tab collection boxes for Ronald McDonald House set out, provide reusable dishes and cutlery, 等.
- Advocating healthy lifestyles. We are a premier sponsor for Go Red for Women, working toward wiping out heart disease and stroke, and participate in the Get Fit Challenge with Blue Cross Blue Shield.
- Participating in professional and civic organizations. As NCACPA Committee Chairs, involved in the AICPA G400,HRMAG members and more, we support our professional organizations. We participate in ball teams and sponsor youth swimming and softball teams.
- Contributing to charitable causes. From serving as Presidents and Board Members on Not-for-Profit organizations to being rescue shelter volunteers and school tutors, we work toward making our community a better place.
在BRC, we interact with our greater community in a variety of ways, which are both enjoyable and rewarding. As Andy Harding, Director of Practice Development stated, “BRC salutes all kinds of service in the community. As a CPA and advisory Firm, we strive to serve clients with diligence and care, yet beyond that we are citizens who are committed to give back to our community, schools and profession”.